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RSI14 cross below 30

Stock Name Company Close RSI14 Variance(%)
MINDP Mitcham Industries Inc 13.30 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
TTEK Tetra Tech Inc 46.69 2.338 -27.662 (92%)
AIRT Air T Inc 18.21 3.39 -26.61 (89%)
LSXMB Liberty Media Siriusxm Sr B 22.51 3.804 -26.196 (87%)
GGR Gogoro Inc 0.595 6.015 -23.985 (80%)
OPTN Optinose Inc 0.796 6.918 -23.082 (77%)
TRIB Trinity Bio ADR 1.28 7.229 -22.771 (76%)
SAI Sai.Tech Global Corp 0.75 7.547 -22.453 (75%)
CTAS Cintas Corp 203.74 7.59 -22.41 (75%)
RVNC Revance Therapeutics 5.85 7.647 -22.353 (75%)
TRVG Trivago NV ADR 1.76 8.054 -21.946 (73%)
FEDU Four Seasons Education Cayman Inc ADR 9.78 8.387 -21.613 (72%)
SOI Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure Inc Cl A 11.32 8.537 -21.463 (72%)
DV Doubleverify Holdings Inc 17.23 9.779 -20.221 (67%)
MYND Mynd.Ai Inc ADR 1.10 10.00 -20.00 (67%)
DECK Deckers Outdoor Corp 152.11 10.196 -19.804 (66%)
TUP Tupperware Corp 0.51 10.345 -19.655 (66%)
OSS One Stop Systems Inc 2.12 11.538 -18.462 (62%)
BMRN Biomarin Pharmaceuticals 71.41 12.211 -17.789 (59%)
DO Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc 13.99 12.50 -17.50 (58%)
SLE Super League Enterprise Inc 0.634 13.352 -16.648 (55%)
ENR Energizer Holdings Inc 29.29 13.514 -16.486 (55%)
CNXC Concentrix Corp 64.17 13.732 -16.268 (54%)
PRQR Proqr Therapeutics 1.78 13.793 -16.207 (54%)
OBE Obsidian Energy Ltd 5.83 13.83 -16.17 (54%)
ADAP Adaptimmune Ther ADR 1.01 13.889 -16.111 (54%)
IART Integra Lifesciences 17.47 14.00 -16.00 (53%)
FARM Farmer Brothers 2.17 14.211 -15.789 (53%)
WINT Windtree Therapeutics Inc 3.24 14.241 -15.759 (53%)
AUMN Golden Minerals Company 0.23 14.876 -15.124 (50%)
AZN Astrazeneca Plc ADR 78.90 15.058 -14.942 (50%)
WDAY Workday Inc 247.43 15.263 -14.737 (49%)
KEQU Kewaunee Scientifi 37.90 15.636 -14.364 (48%)
ELF E.L.F. Beauty Inc 114.59 16.054 -13.946 (46%)
CERS Cerus Corp 1.83 16.176 -13.824 (46%)
LIVE Live Ventures 15.15 16.194 -13.806 (46%)
OGEN Oragenics Inc 0.48 16.50 -13.50 (45%)
ASTC Astrotech Corp 8.22 17.386 -12.614 (42%)
SLP Simulations Plus Inc 32.26 17.618 -12.382 (41%)
VRNT Verint Systems Inc 26.10 17.667 -12.333 (41%)
GRN Ipath Series B Carbon ETN 25.025 17.687 -12.313 (41%)
VTGN Vistagen Therapeutics Inc 3.00 17.901 -12.099 (40%)
WATT Energous Corp 0.573 18.088 -11.912 (40%)
INGN Inogen Inc 10.75 18.254 -11.746 (39%)
TTEC Teletech Hlds 4.22 18.333 -11.667 (39%)
NRT North European Oil Royality Trust 5.165 18.378 -11.622 (39%)
INCR Intercure Ltd 1.86 18.644 -11.356 (38%)
JILL J. Jill Inc 25.56 18.683 -11.317 (38%)
WPRT Westport Fuel Systems Inc 4.69 18.713 -11.287 (38%)
GNPX Genprex Inc 0.39 18.75 -11.25 (38%)
GPRK Geopark Hlds Lmtd 7.63 18.86 -11.14 (37%)
SBR Sabine Royalty Trust 60.51 18.973 -11.027 (37%)
UBX Unity Biotechnology Inc 1.44 19.444 -10.556 (35%)
AIM Aim Immunotech Inc 0.291 19.469 -10.531 (35%)
EGAN Egain Corp 5.16 19.52 -10.48 (35%)
APVO Aptevo Therapeutics Inc 0.176 19.521 -10.479 (35%)
CVV CVD Equipment Corp 3.35 19.643 -10.357 (35%)
DRQ Dril-Quip 15.41 19.653 -10.347 (34%)
ARTW Art S Way MFG Company 1.75 19.665 -10.335 (34%)
CUE Cue Biopharma Inc 0.565 20.00 -10.00 (33%)
LSXMK Liberty Siriusxm Series C 22.29 20.207 -9.793 (33%)
STRM Streamline Health So 0.198 20.255 -9.745 (32%)
LSXMA Liberty Siriusxm Series A 22.29 20.419 -9.581 (32%)
DBVT Dbv Technologies ADR 0.73 20.446 -9.554 (32%)
TNXP Tonix Pharm Holdings 0.15 20.556 -9.444 (31%)
NUS Nu Skin Enterprises 7.16 20.661 -9.339 (31%)
JHS John Hancock Income Securities Trust 11.59 20.67 -9.33 (31%)
OXY Occidental Petroleum Corp 52.03 20.701 -9.299 (31%)
CRMT America's Car-Mart 43.12 20.746 -9.254 (31%)
CBL Cbl & Associates Properties Inc 25.21 20.814 -9.186 (31%)
BMRA Biomerica Inc 0.317 20.968 -9.032 (30%)
BPT BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust 1.37 21.053 -8.947 (30%)
MNR Mach Natural Resources LP 16.51 21.076 -8.924 (30%)
SAFT Safety Ins Group Inc 82.10 21.30 -8.70 (29%)
FNWB First Nw Banc 10.45 21.508 -8.492 (28%)
CAL Caleres Inc 33.51 21.508 -8.492 (28%)
HAYN Haynes Intl Inc 58.96 21.545 -8.455 (28%)
ICL Israel Chemicals Ltd 3.92 21.667 -8.333 (28%)
TTOO T2 Biosystems CS 2.20 21.698 -8.302 (28%)
CIVI Civitas Resources Inc 54.74 21.875 -8.125 (27%)
GTE Gran Tierra Energy Inc 6.07 22.261 -7.739 (26%)
GUT Gabelli Utility Trust 5.325 22.311 -7.689 (26%)
SD Sandridge Energy Inc 12.24 22.326 -7.674 (26%)
AUDC Audiocodes Ltd 9.11 22.368 -7.632 (25%)
LAKE Lakeland Inds Inc 20.01 22.416 -7.584 (25%)
AXDX Accelerate Diagnosti 1.47 22.431 -7.569 (25%)
BTE Baytex Energy Corp 3.13 22.449 -7.551 (25%)
SBT Sterling Bancorp Inc [Southfield Mi] 4.66 22.449 -7.551 (25%)
AWH Aspira Womans Health Inc 0.836 22.455 -7.545 (25%)
ALLY Ally Financial 34.96 22.787 -7.213 (24%)
OXSQ Oxford Square Capital Corp 2.80 23.077 -6.923 (23%)
ESLT Elbit Systems Ltd 191.89 23.15 -6.85 (23%)
MCY Mercury General Corp 60.05 23.178 -6.822 (23%)
FIVN Five9 Inc 28.48 23.197 -6.803 (23%)
DVN Devon Energy Corp 40.97 23.24 -6.76 (23%)
NOK Nokia Corp ADR 4.25 23.256 -6.744 (22%)
MOV Movado Group Inc 19.89 23.267 -6.733 (22%)
CPHC Canterbury Park Hl 18.30 23.314 -6.686 (22%)
EVGN Evogene Ltd Ord 2.69 23.438 -6.562 (22%)
CYCCP Cyclacel Pharmaceuti 7.00 23.513 -6.487 (22%)
SNES Senestech Inc 2.17 23.529 -6.471 (22%)
AXTI Axt Inc 2.18 23.656 -6.344 (21%)
VNDA Vanda Pharmaceuticals 4.65 23.853 -6.147 (20%)
FEIM Frequency Elcts Inc 12.16 23.881 -6.119 (20%)
AVNW Aviat Networks Inc 22.66 23.979 -6.021 (20%)
IMO Imperial Oil Ltd 68.87 24.083 -5.917 (20%)
EBS Emergent Biosolutions 6.99 24.194 -5.806 (19%)
CHEK Check-Cap Ltd Ord 1.73 24.359 -5.641 (19%)
SRPT Sarepta Therapeutics 127.10 24.561 -5.439 (18%)
CTR Clearbridge Energy MLP Fund IN 40.25 24.658 -5.342 (18%)
APA Apa Corp 25.36 24.874 -5.126 (17%)
CMLS Cumulus Media Inc Cl A 1.49 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
KFFB Kentucky First Fed 2.64 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
MHLD Maiden Holdings Ltd 1.49 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
BRY Berry Pete Corp 5.52 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
XTLB Xtl Biopharma ADR 2.42 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
DCTH Delcath Systems Inc 9.08 25.074 -4.926 (16%)
DAKT Daktronics Inc 12.44 25.285 -4.715 (16%)
UAVS Ageagle Aerial Systems Inc 0.263 25.306 -4.694 (16%)
AZO Autozone 3,040.09 25.452 -4.548 (15%)
BCLI Brainstorm Cell 0.24 25.466 -4.534 (15%)
APDN Applied Dna Scns 1.21 25.49 -4.51 (15%)
SKX Skechers U.S.A. 61.56 25.512 -4.488 (15%)
CMPR Cimpress N.V. Ord 85.31 25.666 -4.334 (14%)
SRS Ultrashort Real Estate -2X ETF 11.34 25.74 -4.26 (14%)
SSKN Strata Skin Scien 2.96 25.743 -4.257 (14%)
SM Sm Energy Company 41.49 25.861 -4.139 (14%)
KF Korea Fund 23.35 25.936 -4.064 (14%)
DXF Dunxin Financial Holdings Ltd ADR 0.088 26.016 -3.984 (13%)
MSCI MSCI Inc 555.31 26.132 -3.868 (13%)
MTDR Matador Resources Company 52.20 26.146 -3.854 (13%)
PW Power REIT 1.03 26.154 -3.846 (13%)
ZBH Zimmer Biomet Holdings 106.34 26.186 -3.814 (13%)
BBGI Beasley Broadcast Group 0.52 26.19 -3.81 (13%)
MBIO Mustang Bio Inc 0.223 26.19 -3.81 (13%)
STXS Stereotaxis Inc 2.00 26.23 -3.77 (13%)
AY Atlantica Yield Plc 21.89 26.25 -3.75 (12%)
HLF Herbalife Ltd 7.03 26.384 -3.616 (12%)
NBIX Neurocrine Bioscienc 120.46 26.462 -3.538 (12%)
ENTA Enanta Pharmaceutica 11.30 26.503 -3.497 (12%)
OCSL Oaktree Specialty Lending Corp 16.00 26.512 -3.488 (12%)
EC Ecopetrol S.A. ADR 9.14 26.554 -3.446 (11%)
BRID Bridgford Foods Corp 9.42 26.707 -3.293 (11%)
GGT Gabelli Global Multi-Media Trust 4.885 26.733 -3.267 (11%)
BIG Big Lots 0.497 26.752 -3.248 (11%)
SES Ses Ai Corp 0.85 26.77 -3.23 (11%)
SRI Stoneridge Inc 12.45 26.81 -3.19 (11%)
AKTX Akari Therapeutics ADR 3.16 26.819 -3.181 (11%)
NSYS Nortech Systems IN 11.26 26.838 -3.162 (11%)
BGI Birks Group Inc 2.205 26.87 -3.13 (10%)
DRV Real Estate Bear -3X Direxion 23.66 26.876 -3.124 (10%)
MGRC Mcgrath Rentcorp 99.20 26.902 -3.098 (10%)
XRTX Xortx Therapeutics Inc 1.76 26.961 -3.039 (10%)
LPSN Liveperson Inc 1.05 27.083 -2.917 (10%)
GRI Gri Bio Inc 0.46 27.097 -2.903 (10%)
CLW Clearwater Paper Corp 29.76 27.143 -2.857 (10%)
STAF Staffing 360 Solutions Inc 1.67 27.143 -2.857 (10%)
VVPR Vivopower International Plc 1.38 27.215 -2.785 (9%)
STEM Stem Inc 0.405 27.253 -2.747 (9%)
CHGG Chegg Inc 1.84 27.273 -2.727 (9%)
MCHX Marchex Inc 1.69 27.314 -2.686 (9%)
BRN Barnwell Industries 2.20 27.358 -2.642 (9%)
EM Smart Share Global Ltd ADR 0.523 27.397 -2.603 (9%)
EPC Edgewell Personal Care 36.68 27.438 -2.562 (9%)
RPD Rapid7 Inc 34.35 27.448 -2.552 (9%)
SUPN Supernus Pharm 32.13 27.473 -2.527 (8%)
EA Electronic Arts Inc 140.74 27.518 -2.482 (8%)
TDW Tidewater Inc 75.50 27.534 -2.466 (8%)
SUP Superior Industries International 2.93 27.551 -2.449 (8%)
RAND Rand Capital Corp 16.35 27.565 -2.435 (8%)
SU Suncor Energy Inc 37.72 27.709 -2.291 (8%)
TCPC TCP Capital Corp 8.46 27.82 -2.18 (7%)
DDC Ddc Enterprise Limited Cl A 0.295 27.82 -2.18 (7%)
ULBI Ultralife Corp 9.58 27.925 -2.075 (7%)
KOSS Koss Corp 6.79 27.941 -2.059 (7%)
BHAC Crixus Bh3 Acquisition Cl A 10.50 28.00 -2.00 (7%)
METC Ramaco Resources Inc 10.22 28.015 -1.985 (7%)
GORO Gold Resource Corp 0.332 28.03 -1.97 (7%)
HI Hillenbrand Inc 28.35 28.028 -1.972 (7%)
PTN Palatin Technologies 1.29 28.125 -1.875 (6%)
FM Frontier 100 Ishares MSCI ETF 27.41 28.125 -1.875 (6%)
ONVO Organovo Holdings 0.507 28.169 -1.831 (6%)
DIOD Diodes Inc 61.41 28.231 -1.769 (6%)
BCOV Brightcove Inc 2.05 28.261 -1.739 (6%)
GECC Great Elm Capital Corp 10.01 28.309 -1.691 (6%)
CRUS Cirrus Logic Inc 125.12 28.459 -1.541 (5%)
AVDL Avadel Pharmaceuticals Plc ADR 13.60 28.50 -1.50 (5%)
HUM Humana Inc 312.00 28.548 -1.452 (5%)
RSLS Reshape Lifesciences Inc 0.125 28.571 -1.429 (5%)
CAMT Camtek Ltd 76.13 28.604 -1.396 (5%)
HAO Haoxi Health Technology Limited Class A Ord Shar 0.80 28.732 -1.268 (4%)
REK Short Real Estate -1X ETF 16.431 28.739 -1.261 (4%)
SCC Ultrashort Consumer Services -2X ETF 12.495 28.798 -1.202 (4%)
WEST Westrock Coffee Company 7.26 28.841 -1.159 (4%)
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc 17.22 28.851 -1.149 (4%)
GNRC Generac Holdings Inc 142.91 28.945 -1.055 (4%)
VVR Invesco Senior Income Trust 4.16 28.947 -1.053 (4%)
KNSL Kinsale Capital Group Inc 453.81 28.961 -1.039 (3%)
ORGS Orgenesis Inc 0.55 28.963 -1.037 (3%)
WHLRP Wheeler REIT B Pfd 2.125 29.05 -0.95 (3%)
ALRM Alarm.com 54.92 29.063 -0.937 (3%)
ITRN Ituran Location 27.31 29.07 -0.93 (3%)
DAR Darling International Inc 37.10 29.144 -0.856 (3%)
BA Boeing Company 154.59 29.304 -0.696 (2%)
KMX Carmax Inc 77.39 29.332 -0.668 (2%)
MO Altria Group 50.23 29.435 -0.565 (2%)
EVA Enviva Partners LP 0.40 29.545 -0.455 (2%)
ARI Apollo Commercial Real Estate 9.81 29.609 -0.391 (1%)
AU Anglogold Ashanti Ltd ADR 27.58 29.655 -0.345 (1%)
REFR Research Frontiers 1.94 29.688 -0.312 (1%)
DOOO Brp Inc 61.74 29.893 -0.107 (0%)
ACI Albertsons Companies Inc Cl A 18.56 29.897 -0.103 (0%)
HSON Hudson Global 15.30 29.933 -0.067 (0%)
RVSN Rail Vision Ltd 0.434 30.00 0.00 (0%)
NDLS Noodles & Company 1.24 30.00 0.00 (0%)
Stock Price Date: Sep 19, 2024

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