Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc.

NASDAQ (USD): Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc. (CSSE)

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Today's Change

-0.012 (10.16%)

Day's Change

0.103 - 0.12

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Reported Currency in USD
Last 10 FY Result (Thousand)
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 CAGR
Revenue 294,407 252,810 110,395 66,357 55,364 26,860 10,657 8,119 66.99%
PBT -628,671 -139,250 -50,414 -40,493 -31,221 29 22,607 1,220 -
Tax -5,703 -37,301 66 99 585 874 -182 439 -
NP -622,516 -101,949 -50,480 -40,592 -31,806 -845 22,789 781 -
Tax Rate - - - - - -3,010.89% 0.81% -35.98% -
Total Cost 916,923 354,759 160,875 106,949 87,170 27,704 -12,132 7,337 99.26%
Ratio Analysis
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 CAGR
NP Margin -211.45 -40.33 -45.73 -61.17 -57.45 -3.15 213.85 9.62 -
Per Share
31/12/23 31/12/22 31/12/21 31/12/20 31/12/19 31/12/18 31/12/17 31/12/16 CAGR
EPS -22.36 -5.91 -3.36 -3.30 -2.65 -0.07 2.02 0.07 -
EPS Diluted -22.36 -5.91 -3.36 -3.30 -2.65 -0.07 1.99 0.07 -

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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