Intel Corporation

NASDAQ (USD): Intel Corporation (INTC)

Last Price


Today's Change

-0.53 (2.19%)

Day's Change

22.86 - 25.19

Trading Volume



Reported Currency in USD
Hints :
Click the QoQ or YoY on table to view the QoQ or YoY Financial Result page.

Financial Result
Financial Ratio
Per Share Item
Date Financial Result (Thousand) Financial Ratio Per Share Item Performance
F.Y. Ann. Date Quarter # Revenue PBT NP NP Margin EPS EPS Diluted QoQ YoY

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

1 person likes this. Showing 6 of 6 comments

Pradeep Kumar

The growth is there. Fundamental strong

2019-09-29 01:02


Maybe you are right, but do you see how many gains got AMD lately ? I do see all that good things in the latest time of happening with it are being done cause Intel simply lowered their prices from what I have heard, is it true or no ? Cause I am lost.

2019-10-10 13:26


Intel really have solid history of supremacy in case of whole history of that anyway. I think they simply need some time to catch up with everything they still have with that matter. Are you with me here ? Me personally think they for sure worth investing.

2019-10-14 14:10


we think so too...DCF models fairly valued INTC around $65-80 so it's about 30% undervalued right now. Plus more than 2% dividend yields and 0.74 beta, it's sure is a stock to keep for a long time. AMD come with higher risks, no dividends, and if markets fall it's fall 2.29 times more...fair value around $65-70..

2021-01-13 08:26


change my laptop to HP with Intel inside

2023-02-01 18:04

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