Rent the Runway, Inc.

NASDAQ (USD): Rent the Runway, Inc. (RENT)

Last Price


Today's Change

-0.196 (2.51%)

Day's Change

7.53 - 7.72

Trading Volume



Reported Currency in USD
Last 10 FY Result (Thousand)
31/01/24 31/01/23 31/01/22 31/01/21 31/01/20 31/03/15 31/03/14 31/03/13 31/03/12 31/03/11 CAGR
Revenue 298,200 296,400 203,300 157,500 256,900 102,922 75,600 99,177 91,071 97,088 9.12%
PBT -113,000 -138,900 -212,100 -171,100 -154,100 -5,788 -9,335 -21,834 -5,431 -2,008 36.85%
Tax 200 -200 -300 78,600 -200 -424 -2,183 844 995 -1,241 -
NP -113,200 -138,700 -211,800 -171,100 -153,900 -1,988 -4,254 -22,617 -6,426 -767 47.51%
Tax Rate - - - - - - - - - - -
Total Cost 411,400 435,100 415,100 328,600 410,800 104,910 79,854 121,794 97,497 97,855 11.82%
Ratio Analysis
31/01/24 31/01/23 31/01/22 31/01/21 31/01/20 31/03/15 31/03/14 31/03/13 31/03/12 31/03/11 CAGR
NP Margin -37.96 -46.79 -104.18 -108.63 -59.91 -1.93 -5.63 -22.80 -7.06 -0.79 35.17%
Per Share
31/01/24 31/01/23 31/01/22 31/01/21 31/01/20 31/03/15 31/03/14 31/03/13 31/03/12 31/03/11 CAGR
EPS -33.12 -43.17 -67.20 -52.31 -47.05 -2.94 -6.99 -38.55 -11.48 -0.07 61.51%
EPS Diluted -33.12 -43.17 -67.20 -52.31 -47.05 -2.94 -6.99 -38.55 -11.48 -0.07 61.51%

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, EPS = Earning Per Share, EPS Diluted = Earning Per Share Diluted.

NP Margin, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; EPS & EPS Diluted figures in Cent.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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