Investment News

ShowFx World Online: Trading Webinar with Alistair Crooks

Publish date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020, 11:37 AM
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General investment news and blog posts


On July 15 we invite all forex traders to take part in a free educational webinar from the head trader and trainer at Traders Support Club (UK) – Alistair Crooks. 

About the speaker


During 17 years of his trading experience, Alistair Crooks has worked with some of the top Forex and commodity traders of UK and US.


Alistair is the co-author of the book Madness Of Money and is the one of the UK`s most sought after trading coach and mentor, as well as one of the most popular speakers at ShowFx World events.

He was part of the board of Global Advisors at Rich Dad Education where he shared with over 2800 delegates his skills, insights and passion for Forex trading. He speaks and coaches all over the world and has shared the stage with the likes of Robert Kiyosaki, James Caan, Mike Maloney, Erin Brockovich and others.

Alistair's trading technique is trend based momentum day and swing trading using price and moving average based trading techniques.


Topics covered at the webinar

  • The 3 key areas where traders are going wrong - yet most don't even know they are doing so;
  • How to use strategy and discretion - so you can trade successfully in any market conditions;
  • The key trader thought processes Alistair ingrains in each of his students;
  • The importance of data and exactly what to capture and how to analyse it;
  • How to deploy effective risk management and then optimise the results you get;
  • Live trading examples; and more


Extra bonuses of participation 

  • A chance to win Total Trader educational program from Alistair worth £3,891
  • Exclusive discounts on Training Packages and TSC Academy Memberships
  • Special trading bonuses from general partner


To register for free participation in the webinar, click here


Note! The number of participants is limited.


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